The Boys

The Boys

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tales of a Boy Mom

We are heading to week three today of having two little boys in the house and I am considering changing my blog to "Tales of a Boy Mom."  I am currently sitting next to my two year old as he watches Curious George, dressed in his monkey Halloween costume while eating a banana.  Did I also mention that he has a stuffed monkey on the table who is missing an arm.  How did he lose his arm...who is just part of a long line of things that I repair on a weekly basis.  Last week it was a dinosaur book where one of the dinosaurs was missing a head...sigh...good thing I got an MBA and I am equipped to handle such complicated near disasters.  These last few weeks of maternity leave have been spent being peed on...thank you Hayden...fixing toys that are broken in the most unexplainable way and praying for quite between the yelling...Colin...and crying...Colin and Hayden.  Thank god they are both so darn cute.

I thought about at 3am the best way to deal with the chaos that is now introduced into our lives.  I have considered talking a cat herding class but unfortunately that was full so I came to conclusion that organization is the key.  I know big shocker for those of you that know me well.  I have a new found interest in making things as easy as possible.  As some of you read in my previous blog my obsession with online shopping this has come in handy when trying to manage everything and still maintain some sanity.  I have found that I can pretty much get anything I want delivered right to my doorstep and a lot of time with free shipping and who doesn't like free. 

Some updates on Colin, he is doing really well with his hearing aids.  He has picked up so many words it is amazing.  His favorite saying is "I'll be right back" and points to you as he is going upstairs to find something that usually doesn't belong to him.  Since the Hayden has arrived he likes to take his hearing aids out because he gets a reaction from us.  We know better then to give him the attention but when your toddler is dangling a down payment for a house from his little cute fingers even the best of parents are going to react...such a little stinker. 

Hayden is a much tougher baby then Colin.  He is not the sleeper that Colin was but on the flip side he is a much better eatter.  Wow can that kid chug a bottle.  He will be very popular in college I imagine if he keeps this up.  He is also huge, I have already given a bag of baby clothes to Goodwill that he has grown out of.  We are having Hayden's hearing tested next week.  He did pass the Newborn Hearing Screening- but so did Colin- so we are having him tested at Children's Hospital.  I am optimistic that we won't have any problems.  He seems to hearing everything especially when you are trying to get him to go to sleep.     

So that is the update for now.  At this point Kyle and I are in survival mode and trying not to wish away the time.  We know that these are the moments we are going to miss later so we are trying really hard to remind each other of that at 3:00 in the morning.  I realize now how much we missed with Colin due to the fact we had no idea what we were doing and although we still don't know at least this time we are much more aware of little things that we need to stop and enjoy.  We have also started a savings fund for therapy for both Colin and Hayden in case we really screw-up this parenting thing.  Until next time...

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